As is the case everywhere, the cost of living has increased in Burundi... by 40%.

For the community of Kagwema, which includes 48 families, the majority of whom are children under 10 years old, that means they now eat every 4 days instead of once a day or every other day.

We have been strategizing with the community to create some long term solutions which involves rabbit husbandry and agriculture projects, but in order for these families to be able to take action on these new ideas, we must address the current crisis of food.

Our hope is to give a food package to these 48 families once a month for 6 months to sustain them until these long term goals can be realized. The cost to accomplish this £1000/$1200 per month for 6 months.

As a step of faith in the future of the Kagwema families, would you consider partnering with us, either as individuals, families, home groups or prayer groups, in giving to meet this current need?

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